28.12.2012: :metabolon - successful international research cooperation
KEITI, the Korean Environmental Industry and Technology Institute, offers excellent students a regular opportunity for an international internship. Due to the good collaboration with Prof. Bongards and the existing cooperation between KEITI and the AIT, Institute for Automation & Industrial IT, two Korean students supported the biogas research in the :metabolon project from the middle of November until the end of December 2012. Mr. Dongyeon Ko and Mrs. Seunghee Hong searched directly on the Leppe landfill site, while the elaboration of the results took place at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, campus Gummersbach.
During these six weeks the two Korean students received support by the members of the GECO►Cresearch team on the Leppe landfill site as well as in the institute. "The collaboration was very inspiring for both sites and we are planning such cooperations as part of our :metabolon project to further expand", was Prof. Bongards enthusiastic.