It is beneficial to the economic and environmental operation of a wastewater treatment plant if its inflow – consisting of water from the sewerage system as well as from stormwater tanks with overflow capacities (SWTs) – is assessed predictively. Our working team intervenes in the process at this point using fuzzy technology in order to fully exploit the sewer capacity available.
> „Fuzzy-Kennlinienfeld für die Regelung eines RÜB-Volumens“
A stormwater tank with overflow capacity (SWT) thereby represents a relief structure within the sewerage system. It is equipped with an inflow from the sewerage system, an outflow to a wastewater treatment plant as well as an overflow to a river or lake. In the event of the tank capacity being exceeded, there is an overflow to a receiving body of water (i.e. a river or lake).
Aims of Sewerage System Optimisation:
Enhanced use of the existing SWTs via the optimisation of the control system. In this way, the overflow storage capacity can be exploited in the best possible way and further expansions of the planned overflow storage capacity can be dispensed with.
Harmonisation of the SWTs control system so that discharges immediately following a rain event are avoided.
Ensuring the steady flow of the load being fed into the wastewater treatment plant in order to avoid load peaks within the discharge.