In the catchment area of wastewater treatment plants it is the duty of drainage system to conduct the stormwater, which is polluted with wastewater, to the wastewater treatment plant. There are different stormwater spillways in the sewerage system integrated, to react on the intensity of the precipitation. In the past, sewerage systems were mostly statically operated – and partially it is still used – so, as a result, they were not able to exploit the available capacities completely.
The assignment of the GECO ► C team allows a central control of parts of the sewerage system, and, as a result, it is possible to react on the sewerage system operating conditions. Due to this control the WWTP is able to dispense with the construction of further storage reservoirs.
The new control assured, that the stormwater tanks refuse only, if the capacity of the associated tanks is mostly exploited. In this way the damaging discharges can be reduced and dispensed equally on the sewerage system.
To demonstrate the advantages of sewerage system contol, the GECO ► C team develops – in the context of a bachelor thesis – a software, which can simulate graphically and animated three different sewerage systems at variable weather situations.
The following figure shows, for example, a sewerage system, which composed three stormwater tanks in series. The example demonstrates stormwater tank No. 3.
Java Web Start will initialized the program. The application will be saved on your computer and will be started automatically. It will be directly available for you.
1) The application will not be started. Simply the data file „Regen.jnlp“ will be copied on the fixed disk.
You need at least the Java Runtime Environment 1.3 (JRE 1.3) to start the software. Probably you use an older version or you don’t have Java on your computer installed. You can download the current version (actually: JRE 5.0 Update 7, Source: 06.2006) from our server:
We have to mentioned the license regulation, because the software is owned by Sun Microsystems and you have to accept it automatically while downloading the application.