Fuzzy Logic is a theory which was developed mainly for the modelling of things that were uncertain and fuzzy from slang descriptions. It is a generalisation of binary Boolean logic. Thus the so-called "fuzziness", for example, can be recorded mathemically in models by details such as „a little“, „rather“ oder „strongly“.
Kennfeld eines Fuzzy Reglers zu prädiktiven Dosierung von Prozesswass
Fuzzy logic is used today in the most widely varying fields. It is used in the fields of automation technology, control technology, business management, medical technology, entertainment electronics, vehicle technology, artificial intelligence, language recognition, etc. The application of fuzzy logic is often useful in those instances where there is no mathematical description of the facts or a problem but only a verbal one.
Even when as is almost always the case the knowledge available has gaps or is partially out of date, the use of fuzzy logic is ideal in order to arrive at a sound statement with regard to the current or future state of a system. Then, using fuzzy logic, a mathematical description can be extracted from sentences and rules expressed in the form of language that can be used on computer systems. It is interesting, in this connection, that systems can also then be sensibly steered (or controlled) using fuzzy logic, if a mathematical connection between the input and output parameters of a system cannot be established clearly or precisely or only with such a great deal of time and effort that automation would be too expensive or not feasible in real time.